Monday, December 29, 2014

All You Need To Know About Bangalore Land Denotification Case

For the last three days there has been a big row in the state legislative assembly over the issue of de-notification of lands near Arkavathy Layout. BJP, the opposition party had been continuously protesting against the government led by Chief Minister Mr. Siddaramaiah and demanded an enquiry by CBI on the decision of the government for denotification and re-modification of 541 acres of land of Bengaluru / Bangalore Development Authority  in Arkavathy Layout.

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What is it all about?
In 2003, the government planned to create a layout with 22,000 plots through the BDA in Arkavathy village near Yelahanka. This primary land acquisition circular or notification was issued in September 2003, and covered land measuring 3, 839 acres which comprised land from 16 villages. Out of that 1,089 acres of land were excluded by the court when the land owners approached the court of law, making the final notification covering land of 2,750 acres and thus the plan was to distribute 11,000 sites.

But the BJP government came into power and in 2007 had de-notified 198 acres from the land that was already acquired. Now the BJP has brought an allegation against the Siddaramaiah government that the revised plan by this government is of 11,000 sites. With BJP government excluding 983 acres from the layout the Arkavathy layout covers only 1,766 acres of land. The allegation that BJP brought against the present government is that in June 2014, the Siddaramaiah government has allowed the denotification of 541 acres of land.

On the commencement of the session, the BJP leaders on Monday alleged that Mr. Siddaramaiah had illegally de-notified 541 acres of land acquired by BDA in the Arkavathy layout and in that he has violated the orders of High Court. The JD(S) MLAs were also supporting the BJP’s stand and were noticed to be shouting on the assembly floor against the government.

Both BJP and JD(S) was seen to strike a protest when the Chief Minister intervened and while denying the allegation of the opposition over the issue of de-notification of land in Arkavathy Layout, he attempted to defend the government. In his statement Siddaramaiah said that the government hasn’t de-notified any land in Arkavathy Layout and insisted that the government is ready for a judicial enquiry in to the matter. But the opposition insisted on conducting a CBI enquiry on the issue.

What’s the opinion of the opposition leaders?
While addressing the media the opposition leader alleged the Chief Minister saying he violated the High Court’s verdict and guidelines and is involved in de-notification of 841 acres of land in Arkavathy layout. The opposition said although the Chief Minister denies charges against him, they have procured the documents with the signature of the Chief Minister. Alleging that it is a scam of a big nature, they demanded the resignation of the Chief Minister and also asked for a CBI probe.

As an answer to this, The Chief Minister has already ordered a judicial enquiry in to the matter. In his address to the media the Chief Minister said that a judicial enquiry has been ordered with a retired High court judge leading the enquiry. He further added that as BJP is trying to politicize this issue, he is ready for CBI probe too. As a measure to refrain BJP from politicizing the issue, he has taken this step, he added.

Visit TGS Layouts for BDA Approved Land Plots in Bangalore / Bengaluru. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Realty Developers are capturing Cultivable Land in Erode

Many hectares of land in different parts of Erode are now being converted into a housing plot at a rapid speed. With the massive rate of housing segment created in Erode there are chances of a huge fall in the food production in the region in the years to come.

Erode has an agricultural background and one of the most sought after sectors rendering maximum yields. Erode is one of the largest turmeric producing districts in the country. Various food crops also grown here in hundreds of hectare of land are coconut, paddy, oil seeds, sugarcane, banana and various other food crops. There has been a huge rush for housing within the districts where the various approachable lands are being encroached.

The upcoming real estate developers and constructors have bought hectares of fertile and cultivatable land and converted them into housing and residential plots. The district of Erode is doing an aggressive marketing for the same. The General Manager Velayudham also pointed out that few months back in a neighboring village a property developer has brought four acres of coconut garden and destroyed the entire plantation of over 350 completely grown coconut trees and rehabilitated the land into a housing plat. Erode’s total land under the agricultural sector is over 2.07 lakh Hectares during 2008-2009. There has been a massive drop recoded in the land which is 1.99 lakh hectares in 2009 to 2010. As per the current panorama the total land available is 1.80 Lakh. This entire drop down of land area has resulted in the considerable loss of 10,000 hectares of fertile land, which has been put into residential use.

There are certain reasons like labour scarcity, shortage of remunerative price and others which are forcing the farmers to sell their lands to the real estate constructors and developers.

With the aggressive marketing stunt many real estate developing companies are carrying out marketing through the medium of television hosting live phone-in programs. Now as the marketing strategy most of the channels are showcasing such campaigns during the prime time.

The real estate developers have carried out free trips helping the potential investors and buyers to visit the property sites and providing door to door pick and drop facility. The potential buyers are also presented with gifts as a token of a transparent relationship.

Even the agriculture sector officials are not sure of hoe much positive response this has rendered in the past months but they are pretty much sure about the fact that many real estate developers have come and have acquired a huge amount of cultivatable and fertile land which is put into residential usage.

With lot of industrialization happening in all verticals the farmers do not fish their children to be a part of the slow rising agricultural industry. The agriculture sector has seen no wonderful growth in the times passed by. The real estate developers are taking advantage of such situation and acquiring the agricultural land.

The rising land rust may soon lead the district into a situation where food security will become a threat. The farmers of the district have raised an application to the government to prevent the conversion of cultivatable land into real estate properties.

If you are planning to invest your money in Lands / Plots, then TGS Layouts provides best Plots / Lands for Sale in Bangalore.